Branch Programme 2025

Today is Friday, 14 March 2025. The next branch event this year is highlighted below.

Open Branch events are open to all members of the branch, regardless of their ringing experience. Some practices will have a specific focus and are invitation only.
If there is something you would particularly like to ring, either at a branch practice, training session or for a quarter peal, please contact one of the branch officers.
If you or your tower would like support with ringing a particular method or for a special event, please contact one of the branch officers.
Please keep an eye out for further details of branch events in the monthly emailed Newsletter, the Facebook Group, Bellboard Events page and the Branch Website.

Date & Time Venue Event & Method
Cheltenham Minster Minster's first Thurs of the month 12 bell practice
Anything from call changes on 12 to surprise Maximus depending on who comes! London No.3 Royal is also a favourite
Badgeworth Evening Training Session - Plain Hunt, Trebling, etc
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - Plain Hunt, Trebling, etc
Cheltenham Minster Minster's first Thurs of the month 12 bell practice
Anything from call changes on 12 to surprise Maximus depending on who comes! London No.3 Royal is also a favourite
Colesbourne For the Snowdrop Festival
Woolstone Morning Training Session - Various
Winchcombe INVITATION ONLY Morning Training Session - Plain Hunt, Trebling, etc
TBA G&B Branch Officers Meeting
Various G&B Spring Training Day
Badgeworth Evening Training Session - Plain Hunt, Trebling, etc
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - Plain Hunt, Trebling, etc
Churchdown/Longney/St Mary de Crypt, Gloucester G&B Croome Trophy/Penn Trophy/Association AGM
Didbrook INVITATION ONLY Morning Training Session - TBD
Badgeworth Evening Training Session - TBD
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - TBD
Woolstone Morning Training Session - Various
Badgeworth Evening Training Session - TBD
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - TBD
Woolstone Morning Training Session - Various
Didbrook INVITATION ONLY Morning Training Session - TBD
Badgeworth Evening Training Session - TBD
Leckhampton Branch Striking Competition for the Banner and Cleeve Trophies
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - TBD
Woolstone Morning Training Session - Various
Winchcombe INVITATION ONLY Morning Training Session - TBD
Badgeworth Evening Training Session - TBD
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - TBD
Bishop's Cleeve Branch ringing, short service and AGM, followed by a ringers tea
Cheltenham Minster INVITATION ONLY Morning Training session - TBD

Last Year's Programme (2024) (for your interest).

Association Events includes application forms for training days, and details of all the striking competitions.

Google Calendar

You can add the upcoming branch events to your personal on-line calendar using the URL to have the items dynamically added. For example, here's how in Google Calendar.

Programme data last updated: 01/01/2025


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